Category Archives: detoxification


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About Detoxification in an Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to traditional saunas. Unlike ordinary saunas, which cause the body to sweat by heating the air around it, infrared saunas use heat generated by infrared. Because infrared heats the body through radiation and conversion, it does not overheat the body as quickly as traditional steam-based sauna techniques. This may result in longer, more comfortable sauna sessions.

    Heat and Detoxification

  1. Infrared saunas are designed to enable radiant heat to penetrate the skin. The wavelength of infrared is, according to sauna enthusiasts, ideal for deep-tissue heating. When the first several centimetres of the skin are heated, toxins are loosened from fat cells and transferred into sweat, which is then excreted from the body. Some health practitioners claim this form of detoxification can help to treat obesity, arthritis, and even serious conditions such heavy metal poisoning and cancer.

    Circulation Support

  2. By stimulating circulation, infrared saunas may help to eliminate toxins in the blood and fat cells. Heat, when transferred into the body using infrared radiation, increases the heart rate and stimulates increased blood-flow to all areas of the body. This may cause the body’s major filters– the kidneys and liver– to kick into high-gear and help the body to detoxify. The tendency of infrared heat to improve circulation may also help to treat neuropathy and inflammation.

    Weight Loss

  3. Many people pursue detoxification therapies to assist with weight loss, and infrared saunas are effective in enabling the loss of both fat cells and excess water. When exposed to heat, the body automatically responds by increasing sweat production. The shuffling of excess fluids may help to eliminate bloating and excess weight caused by water retention. Because the body burns calories in sweating, fat cells are burned to fuel the body’s cooling system.




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The Best Infrared Sauna for Detox


    All Infrared Benefits

  1. Any infrared sauna that functions as a dry sauna, heating up the body in under 110 to 150 degree steam-free conditions, will produce some detoxification benefits. When you perspire in an infrared sauna, your body’s core is being heated and not just the surrounding air; your blood circulation increases and your pores open. This aids the blood in "pushing out" toxins through the pores as you sweat. Wipe off the sweat frequently during a sauna to maximize the release of toxins through the skin.
    Spas that provide traditional sauna services offer lotions and creams to add the skin purification, detoxification and cellulite reducing functions of a dry sauna. Simply drinking two to three glasses of water before and after your infrared sauna will aid in cleansing your system of toxins produced by sweating as your body "flushes" with clear water.
    Many reports come anecdotally from sauna users across the world about other medical benefits of infrared saunas. A common theme emerges that regular infrared saunas can improve the long-term health of people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, relieve arthritis pain and reduce inflammations.

    Infrared Emitters

  2. Many companies now make electrical, dry saunas for sale but the real difference seems to lie in how much infrared energy is emitted by the heating units. The most effective infrared emitters give off 94 to 96 percent infrared energy.  
    For the best results in using infrared saunas and "far-infrared" technology, a sauna heater that emits more than 75 percent infrared energy is your best bet. At the least, using the mid-grade saunas will increase your benefits. The more true infrared energy, the more effective the body-heating becomes at a deep tissue level to stimulate your natural detoxification. The deeper the infrared energy penetrates your body’s organs and system, the more effective its health benefits will be.When purchasing please ensure that the Far infrared elements are 100% ceramic with a lava coating for the correct emission of far infrared rays

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Understanding Toxins and their impact on your health. CONTACT US TODAY FOR FRIENDLY ADVICE 021 5567203

The word toxin is used to describe anything that is foreign or poisonous to the body. All of us are exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis. Toxins fall into two main categories: environmental toxins and internal body toxins.
Environmental toxins include but are not limited to, household chemicals, industrial pollutants, food additives, and pesticides.
During the last 100 years, at least 75,000 new chemicals have been introduced into our environment. The majority of these chemicals have no scientific evidence to prove that they are safe for human consumption or exposure. In fact, most of them are known to be unsafe for humans at some level.
The following is a compelling excerpt on Toxins. We include this story to emphasize that Toxins, even in the hands of professionals are dangerous and potentially deadly.

Bad things come in small packages. On August 14, 1996, Karen Wetterhahn, a toxicologist and professor of chemistry at Dartmouth College, spilled a drop, a tiny speck, of dimethylmercury on her left hand. Wetterhahn, tall, thin, intense, was an expert on how toxic metals cause cancer once they penetrate cell membranes. When she spilled the poisonous droplet in her lab, she thought nothing of it; she was wearing latex gloves. What she didn’t know killed her.
The dimethylmercury was volatile enough to penetrate the glove. Five months later Wetterhahn began stumbling into doors and slurring words. After three weeks in a hospital, she slipped into a coma.
"I went to see her, but it wasn’t the kind of coma I’d expected," recalled Diane Stearns, one of her postdoctoral students, now a professor of chemistry herself. "She was thrashing about. Her husband saw tears rolling down her face. I asked if she was in pain. The doctors said it didn’t appear that her brain could even register pain." Karen Wetterhahn died five months later. She was 48 years old, a wife and mother of two. The mercury had devoured her brain cells "like termites eating away for months," one of her doctors said. How could such a brilliant, meticulous, world-class toxicologist come to such an end?
"Only lion tamers are killed by lions", said Kent Sugdan, one of her postdoctoral fellows.
Get the whole story in the pages of National Geographic magazine.

Internal body toxins consist of waste products created by normal metabolic processes within the body. Everyday physiological processes such as energy production, digestion and hormone synthesis create waste products. These waste products are examples of internal toxins. If these waste products are not discarded they interfere with the function of our internal organs . Although the human body excretes the majority of these toxins through urination and fecal elimination, we also expel them when we breathe, sweat, cut our hair and trim our nails .
Such digestive toxins are produced as a result of breaking down proteins, starches and fats . We are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives all of which contribute to the toxic load.
We are exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis . U.S. industries manufacture over 6 trillion pounds of 9,000 different chemicals a year . Billions of pounds of industrial chemicals are dumped into our air and water year after year. For decades, scientists have been studying the pollutants in our air, water, food, and soil. Now they are turning their attention to examine pollution levels in humans. The findings are disturbing.
Research shows that our bodies are not capable of eliminating the multitude of toxins that we ingest daily.
Over time there is a build up of body toxins and if they are not released or cleansed, varying degrees of illness occur . When your body is unable to release or break toxins, they are stored within the fatty tissues, blood, and organs (such as the colon, liver and brain). They remain stored for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems .
People who are highly toxic are susceptible to many diseases including;

  • Premature Aging
  • Cancers
  • Auto-immune Diseases
  • Skin Disorders
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Emotional Disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Chronic Fatigue

Natural Body Detoxification and its benefit to your health

Natural Body detoxification is a process whereby toxins are released from fatty tissues, blood, organs and are expelled from the body. When faced with toxicity, our bodies respond by retaining water in an effort to dilute water-soluble toxins and by retaining fat in an effort to dilute fat-soluble toxins . As a result, toxins often lead to weight gain and increased fat retention .
Most people living on this planet have varying degrees of toxicity in their physical body. We are bombarded with polluted air, food that is tainted by pesticides, herbicides, parasites and acidic water .
There are also many other lesser known causes of toxicity levels in our bodies including home cleaning products, silver fillings (amalgam), vaccines and personal care products .
The human body is designed with an incredible defence system that keeps us healthy even under the most extreme circumstances . Natural Body detoxification is performed through the colon, lungs, skin, urinary tract, lymphatic system and the liver.
You may be wondering how you will know, or what symptoms will show up, to let you know that your body needs to be detoxified . There are a myriad of symptoms that are strong indicators that the body may need help. Some of these include unexplained fatigue, increased allergies, hypersensitivity to common materials, intolerance to certain foods, indigestion, aches and pains, low grade fever, headaches, insomnia, depression, sore throats, sudden weight loss or gain, lowered resistance to infection, frequent colds. A proper body detoxification program will remove harmful toxins. With the toxins gone, the symptoms go away .
These symptoms are indicative of toxic overload and when this occurs, we need to help the body detoxify through a variety of Natural Detoxification methods .
For full body detoxification:
A far infrared sauna is especially effective at full body detoxification . It is up to three times more effective than regular saunas. Infrared rays penetrate the body one and a half to three inches. This causes a deep heating effect in the muscle tissues and internal organs . The cellular metabolism is stimulated which breaks up the water molecules that hold the toxins and allows them to be released through the skin in perspiration . Through the perspiration process, acid and waste residue such as toxins, sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and the potentially carcinogenic heavy metals (especially zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, etc) are removed from the cells.
The medical profession acknowledges the success of infrared sauna technology and many doctors provide a sauna within their offices for patient use. Drink plenty of clean, filtered water (preferably alkaline water) while in the sauna. Sun Spirit Infrared Saunas are a safe and natural way to cleanse your body through natural body detoxification.
For the liver – eat foods that help the liver detoxify:

  • Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale
  • Green foods – green vegetables, sea vegetables and seaweed
  • Various supplements, green tea and milk thistle extract

For the Colon – eat fibre – 25-30 grams of fibre per day:

  • Apples, pears and citrus fruits
  • Carrots, beans, lentils, legumes and peas
  • Whole grains

For the Urinary Track – drink plenty of clean alkaline water:

  • Your body needs a minimum 2 quarts of water a day

For over all good health – eat organic foods whenever possible:

  • The thicker the peel on fruit and vegetables the less chance of pesticide penetration – bananas, grapefruits, pineapple and watermelons

For the Skin – have a good sweat:

  • If you are unable to have a good sweat for whatever reason or you are unable to exercise, give serious consideration to far infrared sauna therapy to remove body toxins through natural body detoxification.
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