Category Archives: Health Benefits of a far infrared sauna

Saunas Physicians recommend Fir Saunas Must Read | Sauna Sales

Why Would A Physician Recommend Far Infrared Sauna Therapy?You should read this if you are interested in finding out the Health Benefits of a far infrared sauna. Where to Buy Try Sauna Tech Saunas Call 021 5567203. SA Leaders in far infrared Saunas

A number of doctors recommend this type of sauna for improving the skin, while others will even use it in cancer management. Numerous alternative cancer centers are employing Far Infrared saunas as part of their detoxification protocols.

If you have cardiovascular health problems, you will be interested in knowing that an article in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology demonstrated that using a sauna on a regular basis improves vascular, endothelial, and cardiac function in patients with congestive heart failure.
Persistent use of Far Infrared sauna therapy additionally diminished systolic blood pressure in patients. A Japanese study of 20 men with at least one risk factor for heart disease assessed the effects of a short 15-minute stay in a 140 degree sauna every other day for two weeks. Another study done at the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, Kagoshima University, Japan, demonstrated the hemodynamic benefits of a sauna in relation to Congestive Heart Failure.

Where to Buy Try Sauna Tech Saunas

Doctors have found that many heavy metals and chemicals are bound in subcutaneous fat, and sweating is a critical way to rid the body of toxins. Heat therapy in the form of Far Infrared has been cited in the medical literature, and employed by places such as the well known Mayo Clinic. In addition, some mental hospitals use infrared saunas in their rehabilitation programs to soothe patients.
According to the medical community, sweating is as essential to our health as eating and breathing. It achieves three critical things: rids the body of wastes, regulates the critical temperature of the body at 98.6 degrees, and assists with keeping the skin clean and pliant.
According to medical statistics, most people, in this sedentary age, simply don’t sweat enough, making infrared saunas particularly desirable during these times. Antiperspirants, artificial environments, smog, synthetic clothing, and a physically idle lifestyle all plot to clog skin pores and hinder the healthy flow of sweat. These detrimental effects are reversed in an infrared sauna.

Where to Buy Try Sauna Tech Saunas

Uses for the Far Infrared Sauna

Detoxification: (List of Toxins)
• Pesticide & Insecticide Residues
• Prescription & Recreational Drugs
• Dioxins
• Alcohol
• Nicotine
• Formaldehydes
• Hair Dyes, Cosmetics & Deodorants
• Petrochemicals: Xenobiotics & Xenoestrogens
• Heavy Metals: Iron, Copper, Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Cadmium
• Nitrites
• Radon
• Gasoline
• Chlorinated Water
• Perchlorate
• Industrial Chemicals
• Phthalates
Musculoskeletal Improvements:
• Muscle Spasms are reduced or eliminated
• Traumatic Arthritis
• Adhesions
• Tight Shoulders
• Bursitis
• Joint Stiffness
• Low Back Pain
• Compression Fractures
• Shoulder Pain
• Muscle Tension
• Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, DJD
• Post Exercise Muscle Pain
• Sciatica
• Facial Paralysis
Ear, Nose & Throat:
• Nettle Rash
• Chronic middle-ear inflammation of infection
• Sore Throats
• Tinnitus (ringing of the ears)
• Nose Bleeds

Skin Conditions
• Improved Skin Conditions
• Infrared Therapy is utilized routinely in burn units throughout Asia
• Nettle Rash Improved
• Clogged Pores and Blackheads
• Poor Skin Tone
• Scars and pain from wounds and burns
• Lacerations healed quicker
• Acne improved
• Body Odor improved
• Eczema and Psoriasis respond well
• Sunburn Antidote
• Frostbite with inflammation
• Neurodermatitis
• Ketoids May Be Softened
• Dandruff
• Cellulite Removal
Other Ailments:
• Menopause
• Cold Hands and Feet
• High Blood Pressure
• Radiation Sickness
• Cancer Pain (greatly relieved)
• Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (reduced)
• Duocenal Ulcers (eliminated)
• Hemorrhoids (reduced)
• Cystitis (eliminated)
• Cirrhosis of the Liver
• Gastritis (relieved)
• Asthma (cleared up)
• Crohn’s Disease / Ulcerative Colitis
• Leg Ulcers (healed when previously static and resistant to other care)
• Weight Loss
Collagen Tissue:
• Increased pliability
• Ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, fasciae, and synovium that have become scarred or thickened
• Increased Blood Flow

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Where to Buy Try Sauna Tech Saunas

Speak to Our Call Centre should you require further information 021 556 7203

Sauna | Saunas offer many health benefits | Sauna Sales Nationwide

The Sauna Shop Website is committed to Supply Quality Far infrared saunas direct to the Public. The Sauna shop offer the widest range of far infrared saunas under one sauna factory shop. Sauna sales , sauna service,sauna spares, fir saunas, sauna kits all form part of our Business

The Therapeutic Benefits of our Far Infrared Sauna

Hypothermic Detoxification Therapy Using The Far Infrared Sauna

Saunas and steam baths have been used for centuries by cultures around the world to bring about detoxification. Traditionally, saunas have been used to improve mental clarity, reduce pain, and promote longevity. Healthy Sauna
In the past few years, hyperthermic (sweat) therapy has been studied quite extensively, and several papers on this subject have appeared in the scientific literature. Through this research, the far infrared sauna has come to be recognized by health practitioners worldwide as one of the most effective methods in the elimination of both chemical and accumulated heavy metal toxins from the body.
Toxic metals and waste such as mercury, lead, nickel, cadmium, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, cholesterol and other forms of organic toxins such as pesticide residues are excreted in high quantities in the sweat during properly conducted hyperthermic therapy sessions.
Far infrared waves penetrate the body and are absorbed selectively by tissues as the water in the cell reacts in a process called “resonant absorption”. This “resonant absorption” occurs when the frequency of the far infrared waves match that of the water in the cell, causing toxins to be dropped off into the blood stream and subsequently released through sweat, feces, and urine. Because the liver and kidneys are not required for this process, these organs are largely unburdened by hyperthermic therapy and toxins are even able to leave the body of a person whose liver or kidney function may be impaired or overburdened with toxins. This can bring about significant advantages for chronically ill patients whose livers and kidneys are already under toxic stress.

Improves Skin
Perspiration expels toxins carried in the lymph fluid and purges clogged pores of deeply imbedded impurities and dead skin cells, leaving you with glowing radiant skin. An increase in blood circulation encourages a healthy flow of nutrients to your skin that in turn helps to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, and burns. It also encourages the healing of lesions and minor cuts.

Burns Calories and Controls Weight
One 30-minute session in a Saunatech saunas burns as many calories as 60 minutes of swimming or jogging. A Saunatech Sauna is an unsurpassed expeller of toxins that are directly related to metabolic imbalances in the body and cause poor digestion and weight gain. Medical evidence suggests that in many cases, effective weight loss cannot occur until these toxins are removed first. Although weight loss due to perspiration (water loss) is quickly regained, the calories burned during one short sauna session do not return.

Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water, and body wastes that are trapped in pockets near the surface of the skin. Saunatech saunas can reduce this condition, as profuse sweating helps clear this form of unwanted debris from the body after being broken down by the far infrared heat. European beauty specialists confirm that regular use of an infrared sauna will greatly speed any anti-cellulite program. Due to the depth of heat penetration into cellulite and tissues, your Saunatech saunas is very effective in cellulite removal.

Relieves Pain
Radiant heat expands and dilates peripheral blood vessels. This action brings nutrient rich blood to the area experiencing pain, giving relief to muscles and soft tissue injuries. In addition, increased blood circulation delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscles, helps reduce pain, and speeds up the body’s natural recovery process. It is effective in helping reduce the pain of arthritis, back pain, muscle spasms, joint stiffness and many other muscular-skeletal ailments.
Strengthens the Cardiovascular System
As you relax in your Saunatech saunas, your heart is hard at work, pumping blood at a greater rate and giving you similar results as seen with rigorous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while diastolic blood pressure drops, resulting in improved blood circulation and full cardiovascular conditioning. In fact NASA concluded that while in space, far infrared treatment was the most effective method of cardiovascular workout for astronauts.

Reduces Stress and Fatigue
In addition to relaxing and loosening your tight, sore muscles, radiant heat therapy also relieves the stiffness, aches and soreness associated with aging. Continuous strain on the autonomic nervous system can lead to high stress levels, the precursor to many chronic ailments. With continued use of the Saunatech saunas, the dilation of blood capillaries in combination with the loosening of muscle tension will help to reduce overall stress levels.

Significantly lower operating costs 
A 30 minute session, including a 5-10 minute warm-up in a Saunatech saunas, costs about 10 cents of electricity. Both infrared saunas and steam rooms can be used to relax and unwind. However, some of the outstanding advantages infrared saunas have over steam rooms is their quick warm-up, better heat efficiency, and low maintenance feature, each of which plays a key role in its low operating cost. The far infrared waves of the Saunatech saunas penetrate the skin, effectively helping to rid the body of embedded toxic metals picked up from the environment. While the kidneys flush out many of these toxins, a daily sweat is more efficient in reducing the body’s accumulation of lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, sodium, sulfuric acid and cholesterol.


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Your Immune System

The immune system is an amazing protection mechanism designed to protect individuals from millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body.

The immune system is very complex and is remarkably effective, most of the time. It works around the clock. Most of the work done by the immune system goes unnoticed.

It is only when the immune system fails for some reason or when it does something that has a side effect that we are aware of it at all. For example, if you cut yourself, the immune system reacts to protect you from bacteria and viruses allowing the body to heal. If the immune system misses something, the cut gets infected and fills with pus. This is a side-effect of the immune system doing its job.

The immune system’s basic task is to recognize the body’s own cells as well as foreign invaders called antigens. Antigens include viruses, fungi, bacteria, foreign objects or tissue, and some toxins. When antigens enter the body, the immune system manufacturers special white blood cells to identify these unwanted infiltrators and eliminate them.

There are many different components to the immune system some more obvious than others. The components on the outside of the body include:

  • Skin
  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Eyes

Once inside the body, germs deal with the immune system at a different level. The major components of the immune system inside the body are the:

  • Thymus
  • Spleen
  • Lymph system
  • Bone marrow
  • White blood cells
  • Antibodies
  • Complement system proteins
  • Hormones

The immune system has so many built-in fail-safes that, in theory at least, we should rarely fall ill. But, in fact, we do.

The immune system can simply be overwhelmed by viruses, bacteria, or other foreign cells and toxins. Sometimes the immune system mistakes a basically inoffensive intruder such as pollen or a bit of bee venom, as an enemy, causing the body to go into an allergic reaction. In addition, the immune system can mistake the body’s own cells and tissues as antigens and attack them, as in auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Because the immune system is crucial in maintaining good health, it is very important to keep it in good running order. Sounds simple enough but unfortunately, keeping your immune system in good shape is a complicated task.

How to Strengthen or Boost your Immune System The question – “How do I strengthen or boost my immune system?” is really the same as “What can I do to keep my body healthy and well?” There are a number of things you can do to strengthen the immune system for optimal health. Research has shown that getting plenty of sleep; eating a well balanced diet of protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals; exercising on a regular basis; and limiting emotional stress help to strengthen the immune system for all age groups.

Busy schedules, life stresses, and ‘eating on the run’ sometimes get in the way of our best intentions. Another excellent way to boost your immune system is with a portable Far Infrared Sauna.

As the far infrared rays penetrate the body, it causes a brief but beneficial increase in body temperature inducing an artificial fever. Fever is the body’s natural mechanism to boost the immune system and is a natural stage of the immune system’s healing process and one of the best ways to rid the body of unwelcome visitors such as viruses and bacteria.

As the body’s temperature rises, the immune system kicks in to fight the rise in temperature or fever by boosting the production of infection fighting white blood cells and killer T-cells.

The heat from the far infrared rays also helps boost the immune system by detoxifying the body. The rise in body temperature causes the water soluble toxins stored in cells and fat soluble toxins stored in fat to be released. These toxins are then expelled from the body through perspiration.

The strengthened immune system, combined with improved elimination of toxins and wastes via intense sweating, increases overall health and resistance to disease.

Far Infrared Saunas are easily installed in the quiet and comfort of your own home. Take 30 minutes and eliminate the toxins and stresses of the day. You will not only feel better, you will look better.


How Sauna’s can benefits many ailments. Sauna’s has become a lifestyle. Do you suffer from any of the below mentioned ailments. Call today 021 5567203.

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Toxins in Food, Drink and Even Breast Milk

Dr. Rodgers tells us that even breast-fed babies are taking in plasticisers and dioxin. Babies that aren’t breast-fed take in even more of these toxins, including those linked to plastics used to prepare bottles and their food.
Food Wraps
Plasticisers are used all over the world to wrap food and hold drinks. Dioxin is a pesticide and is also known as Agent Orange and was used for deforestation during the Vietnam war. The Far infrared sauna is the only know way to expel toxins
What about your cup of coffee in a styrene cup? You drink some styrene with every cup of coffee.
Industrial waste spews from factory stacks all around the world adding heavy metals to the foods we eat.
Dr Rogers Shows Step By Step The Best Way To Use An Infrared Sauna To Remove Toxins From Your Body
One of our clients says,
“For over 6 months my sciatica was so bad that I could only get some sleep at night if I put pillows under my legs to support them. After just a few weeks with the far infrared sauna I don’t need to support my legs anymore, and I now sleep wonderfully.”
Carol Cooke, from Rayleigh, Cape Town South Africa.
Air-Borne Toxins Get Into Your Bloodstream Too
Anything you smell in the air gets into your bloodstream through your lungs. So think of that new car’s smell, or the new suite’s fire-retardant smell, or the carpets. Those gas molecules get into your body.
But your body can’t drive out all these man-made toxins. You just can’t do it by yourself.

The Scientific Basis and Therapeutic Benefits of Far Infrared Sauna Ray Therapy

Dr. Toshio Yamazaki is the author of “The Scientific Basis and Therapeutic Benefits of Far Infrared sauna Ray Therapy”, and other books. She notes health problems helped or reduced with Far infrared sauna technology include:
• Asthma, Bronchitis (cleared up)
• Rheumatoid Arthritis (7 out of 10 cases resolved in one clinical trial)
• Cancer pain (greatly relieved)
• Cirrhosis of the Liver (reversed)
• Chrone’s disease (cleared)
• Cold hand and feet (20-25% improvement maintained)
• Cystitis (gone)
• Duodenal ulcers (eliminated)
• Gastritis (relieved)
• Haemorrhoids (reduced)
• Hepatitis (gone)
• High Blood pressure (reduced)
• Keloids (significantly softened and in some cases completely gone)
• Leg ulcers (healed)
• Radiation sickness (relieved signs and symptoms)
• Teenage skin problems (cleared)
• Tinitus (chronic case cleared in 10 treatments)
• Eczema and Psoriasis (responded well)
• Pain Relief

Sauna Weight Loss | Far infrared sauna | Health Sauna

Frequently asked questions and answers for Weight lose using a far infrared sauna- call today and speak to our Call center for fast and friendly advice 021 5567203

Can i loose weight by using an infrared sauna?

A sauna session can help you burn up to 600 calories equivalent to 30 minutes of rowing. Infrared heat penetrates below the skin and helps break down the fat and water particles in pockets beneath the skin. Those who have been unsuccessful in dieting often times are toxic and are successful after using an Infrared Sauna. It is a great means of exercise for those who cannot physically exert themselves.

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How much weight will I loose?

London Obesity Centre – FAQ’s

It depends upon the type of operation you had and how compliant one is with the diet and exercises. Studies suggest that you will loose between 30 and 74 percent of your excess weight, the most rapid period of weight loss being in the first 18 to 24 months following surgery. There is a tendency to regain weight over time and so it is important to develop and maintain good eating habits.

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Can I loose weight?

Frequently Asked Questions

Students coming to class to loose weight are requested to take their measurements, review eating habits and select a correct nutritional program for their body type. At the end of 90 days let’s hear that you lost 18 inches and 24 pounds. It happens.

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What is the difference between an infrared sauna and a traditional sauna?

Infrared Saunas, Home Saunas FAQ

A:Well, the difference is obvious. The far infrared rays are invisible they go through the air without heating it uncomfortably. In traditional saunas temperatures are 170-200 degrees F that are rather uncomfortable and difficult to resist. Being a more pleasant environment infrared sauna has the advantage that the body actually sweats more at lower temperatures.

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Can I really lose weight using a sauna?

Saunas FAQ

Well, actually Yes, although there are many researches and studies that are taking place concerning this question. FIR Sauna heat therapy can really help in weight loss as it speeds up the metabolic process of vital organs and endocrine glands resulting in substantial caloric loss in a sauna heat session. But in order to get some substantial result you have to do it on a permanent basis.

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How much weight can I expect to loose?

Frequently Asked Questions: Bariatric Surgery Program at Pen…

Again, each person’s weight loss progress is different. On average, a weight loss of approximately 30 percent of starting weight or two-thirds of your excess weight is expected. The most weight loss is usually seen in the first few months after surgery. Weight loss usually continues for about 12 to 18 months after surgery. Healthy eating habits and exercise are critical for continued success.

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FAQs, Obesity Clinic

On a day after surgery, if your swallow study is ok you will begin sips of water. However you will Not use straws or carbonated beverages. You will start only with small amount of water to avoid over filling of the gastric pouch. If you tolerate clear water, you may be allowed to have lime water or electral water. On the third day when you tolerate clear lyquids without vomiting you will be shifted to caloric dense liquids and with clear lyquids.

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Where do i install the infrared sauna?

Your Infrared Sauna Spa can be placed in any location you desire accessible to any standard electrical outlet (Check amps per model).

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A traditional steam sauna works primarily on the skin’s surface, but far infrared heat penetrates the surface up to two inches. It is more energy efficient and takes less time to heat, and is safer and can be used longer because it runs at lower temperatures. In a comparison between a far infrared and traditional sauna, you can see how the infrared heat is more effective and penetrates the skin deeper than steam heat.

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The relaxing spa therapy comes with all the previously described benefits.

What are the benefits that come from regular Infrared sauna?

Welcome to OKRA SPA

Increase blood flow by promoting dilation (expansion) of the micro-circulatory system of capillaries.

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Why is an infrared sauna better than a traditional sauna?

In an infrared sauna the heat penetrates deeper and faster into the human body in contrast to the humid, surface heat of a traditional sauna. An infrared sauna uses less energy, heats up much quicker and is effective at a lower temperature so that one can tolerate the heat for a longer session thus increasing the benefits of the sauna. Infrared heat penetrates almost 2 inches deep into your muscles and bones for optimum therapy.

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Why is a Far Infrared Sauna Better than a Hot Rock Steam Sauna?

Far infrared saunas increase the body’s core temperature. This helps the body rid itself of harmful toxins through a deeper sweat. Conventional hot rock/steam heater saunas heat the air with steam, which can often be unbearably hot and you will only sweat on the surface. Steam also makes the air difficult to breath. A far infrared sauna uses dry far infrared heat that is well ventilated and extremely comfortable and relaxing.

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Is exercise required to loose weight?

Pediatrician’s Choice – Frequently Asked Questions

Exercise is an important and necessary component for any weight management program. The recommendation is to start 30 to 40 minutes 4 to 5 times a week.

Are there any medications that will help loose weight?

Pediatrician’s Choice – Frequently Asked Questions

There are some medications that can help control the appetite and burn calories but they are all prescription medications, with potential side effects, and therefore have to be used under the supervision of a physician. Nevertheless, medications alone won’t help, you still have to follow a weight management program.

Do you have “loose skin” after losing all that weight?

Regardless of what you have “heard” about the issue of “loose skin” after a large weight loss, let me tell you the truth from my firsthand experience–you lose the elasticity in your skin and it can only be taken care of with surgery. Sure, there are some people who still should lose a little more weight, but most of the skin will just stay there. That’s the way I has been for me since I lost nearly 200 pounds.

How do I loose weight and keep it off?

Frequently Asked Weight and Fitness Questions

Loosing weight is a desirable and healthy goal. The healthiest way to loose weight is with a healthy diet and an exercise program. There are a lot of weight loss pills and surgeries that guarantee instant results and can be very dangerous to your health.

I loose weight and how are you going to help me to stay on same weight?

Faq Obesity – Specialist Centre for Overweight Management an…

Ans. Truly speaking , our job at clinic – 2000 should end at making you lose weight . Instead we would like walk an extra mile along with you and make sure that you maintain the weight that you have lost. To achieve this you are made aware about the nutritive values of the food stuffs while undergoing the treatment which acts as a guide through your sub conscious mind and controls your eating habits in future also.

Is an infrared or far infrared cabin a Sauna?

Sauna Kit – Frequently Asked Questions

No. The only similarity to the Sauna is the wood lined room. An infrared cabin uses exposed heated elements to produce “infrared” heat. These elements are located on the back wall, front wall, and usually under the benches. Only the parts of the body that are closest to the elements get hot enough to perspire, similar to a spot heater. Saunas, on the other hand, are meant to heat the entire body via the heated air from a single heater filled with stones.

What is the optimum infrared frequency for an infrared sauna?

Ir Saunas – FAQ

What is the optimum infrared frequency for an infrared sauna? The result of our True Wave? heaters 290 square inch surface area allows for the lowest surface temperature of any other ceramic infrared heater. Running at an optimal 280 degree surface temperature, our True Wave far infrared heaters produce exceptional quality far infrared heat. This means our heaters produce the majority of the infrared heat in the vital wave range of 5 to 15 microns with a good portion of wavelengths at 9.

Is there anything I should do special when I start using the sauna?

Sauna FAQ’s

Be sure to add a multi-Vitamin to your daily routine. The deep sweat you receive in a sauna will take out heavy metals and minerals which will need to be replaced.

How does infrared heat therapy control weight?

Perspiring is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. The process requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt and subcutaneous fat. Fat becomes water soluble at 110?F and the body sweats out fats and toxins. ^ back

Will yoga help me to loose weight?

Yes! Yoga aids in weight loss, not only as a result of the postures and muscle toning, but also from the increased awareness to eating habits. You may notice, a subtle, but powerful desire to eat healthier in direct connection to the greater sense of well being Yoga induces.

I have done everything, but I still can’t loose weight. Is there anything you can do for me?


Losing body fat effectively is the result of a combination of a specific diet and calorie burning aerobic and anaerobic exercises carried out consistently over time. When you are not achieving the results you want, and you think you are doing everything you must, one or more elements is usually missing.

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Improve Blood Circulation | Lower Blood pressure | the sauna shop

Blood vessel dilation brings blood closer to the surface of the skin and, as blood vessels expand to accommodate increased blood flow, circulation in the extremities improves, and the blood pressure gets lower. The effect on the blood pressure is temporary, but medical research shows that frequent sauna bathing can make person’s blood pressure level also to stay lower.

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