Category Archives: Health Benefits of a far infrared sauna


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About Detoxification in an Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to traditional saunas. Unlike ordinary saunas, which cause the body to sweat by heating the air around it, infrared saunas use heat generated by infrared. Because infrared heats the body through radiation and conversion, it does not overheat the body as quickly as traditional steam-based sauna techniques. This may result in longer, more comfortable sauna sessions.

    Heat and Detoxification

  1. Infrared saunas are designed to enable radiant heat to penetrate the skin. The wavelength of infrared is, according to sauna enthusiasts, ideal for deep-tissue heating. When the first several centimetres of the skin are heated, toxins are loosened from fat cells and transferred into sweat, which is then excreted from the body. Some health practitioners claim this form of detoxification can help to treat obesity, arthritis, and even serious conditions such heavy metal poisoning and cancer.

    Circulation Support

  2. By stimulating circulation, infrared saunas may help to eliminate toxins in the blood and fat cells. Heat, when transferred into the body using infrared radiation, increases the heart rate and stimulates increased blood-flow to all areas of the body. This may cause the body’s major filters– the kidneys and liver– to kick into high-gear and help the body to detoxify. The tendency of infrared heat to improve circulation may also help to treat neuropathy and inflammation.

    Weight Loss

  3. Many people pursue detoxification therapies to assist with weight loss, and infrared saunas are effective in enabling the loss of both fat cells and excess water. When exposed to heat, the body automatically responds by increasing sweat production. The shuffling of excess fluids may help to eliminate bloating and excess weight caused by water retention. Because the body burns calories in sweating, fat cells are burned to fuel the body’s cooling system.




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The Best Infrared Sauna for Detox


    All Infrared Benefits

  1. Any infrared sauna that functions as a dry sauna, heating up the body in under 110 to 150 degree steam-free conditions, will produce some detoxification benefits. When you perspire in an infrared sauna, your body’s core is being heated and not just the surrounding air; your blood circulation increases and your pores open. This aids the blood in "pushing out" toxins through the pores as you sweat. Wipe off the sweat frequently during a sauna to maximize the release of toxins through the skin.
    Spas that provide traditional sauna services offer lotions and creams to add the skin purification, detoxification and cellulite reducing functions of a dry sauna. Simply drinking two to three glasses of water before and after your infrared sauna will aid in cleansing your system of toxins produced by sweating as your body "flushes" with clear water.
    Many reports come anecdotally from sauna users across the world about other medical benefits of infrared saunas. A common theme emerges that regular infrared saunas can improve the long-term health of people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, relieve arthritis pain and reduce inflammations.

    Infrared Emitters

  2. Many companies now make electrical, dry saunas for sale but the real difference seems to lie in how much infrared energy is emitted by the heating units. The most effective infrared emitters give off 94 to 96 percent infrared energy.  
    For the best results in using infrared saunas and "far-infrared" technology, a sauna heater that emits more than 75 percent infrared energy is your best bet. At the least, using the mid-grade saunas will increase your benefits. The more true infrared energy, the more effective the body-heating becomes at a deep tissue level to stimulate your natural detoxification. The deeper the infrared energy penetrates your body’s organs and system, the more effective its health benefits will be.When purchasing please ensure that the Far infrared elements are 100% ceramic with a lava coating for the correct emission of far infrared rays

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Understanding Toxins and their impact on your health. CONTACT US TODAY FOR FRIENDLY ADVICE 021 5567203

The word toxin is used to describe anything that is foreign or poisonous to the body. All of us are exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis. Toxins fall into two main categories: environmental toxins and internal body toxins.
Environmental toxins include but are not limited to, household chemicals, industrial pollutants, food additives, and pesticides.
During the last 100 years, at least 75,000 new chemicals have been introduced into our environment. The majority of these chemicals have no scientific evidence to prove that they are safe for human consumption or exposure. In fact, most of them are known to be unsafe for humans at some level.
The following is a compelling excerpt on Toxins. We include this story to emphasize that Toxins, even in the hands of professionals are dangerous and potentially deadly.

Bad things come in small packages. On August 14, 1996, Karen Wetterhahn, a toxicologist and professor of chemistry at Dartmouth College, spilled a drop, a tiny speck, of dimethylmercury on her left hand. Wetterhahn, tall, thin, intense, was an expert on how toxic metals cause cancer once they penetrate cell membranes. When she spilled the poisonous droplet in her lab, she thought nothing of it; she was wearing latex gloves. What she didn’t know killed her.
The dimethylmercury was volatile enough to penetrate the glove. Five months later Wetterhahn began stumbling into doors and slurring words. After three weeks in a hospital, she slipped into a coma.
"I went to see her, but it wasn’t the kind of coma I’d expected," recalled Diane Stearns, one of her postdoctoral students, now a professor of chemistry herself. "She was thrashing about. Her husband saw tears rolling down her face. I asked if she was in pain. The doctors said it didn’t appear that her brain could even register pain." Karen Wetterhahn died five months later. She was 48 years old, a wife and mother of two. The mercury had devoured her brain cells "like termites eating away for months," one of her doctors said. How could such a brilliant, meticulous, world-class toxicologist come to such an end?
"Only lion tamers are killed by lions", said Kent Sugdan, one of her postdoctoral fellows.
Get the whole story in the pages of National Geographic magazine.

Internal body toxins consist of waste products created by normal metabolic processes within the body. Everyday physiological processes such as energy production, digestion and hormone synthesis create waste products. These waste products are examples of internal toxins. If these waste products are not discarded they interfere with the function of our internal organs . Although the human body excretes the majority of these toxins through urination and fecal elimination, we also expel them when we breathe, sweat, cut our hair and trim our nails .
Such digestive toxins are produced as a result of breaking down proteins, starches and fats . We are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives all of which contribute to the toxic load.
We are exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis . U.S. industries manufacture over 6 trillion pounds of 9,000 different chemicals a year . Billions of pounds of industrial chemicals are dumped into our air and water year after year. For decades, scientists have been studying the pollutants in our air, water, food, and soil. Now they are turning their attention to examine pollution levels in humans. The findings are disturbing.
Research shows that our bodies are not capable of eliminating the multitude of toxins that we ingest daily.
Over time there is a build up of body toxins and if they are not released or cleansed, varying degrees of illness occur . When your body is unable to release or break toxins, they are stored within the fatty tissues, blood, and organs (such as the colon, liver and brain). They remain stored for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems .
People who are highly toxic are susceptible to many diseases including;

  • Premature Aging
  • Cancers
  • Auto-immune Diseases
  • Skin Disorders
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Emotional Disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Chronic Fatigue

Natural Body Detoxification and its benefit to your health

Natural Body detoxification is a process whereby toxins are released from fatty tissues, blood, organs and are expelled from the body. When faced with toxicity, our bodies respond by retaining water in an effort to dilute water-soluble toxins and by retaining fat in an effort to dilute fat-soluble toxins . As a result, toxins often lead to weight gain and increased fat retention .
Most people living on this planet have varying degrees of toxicity in their physical body. We are bombarded with polluted air, food that is tainted by pesticides, herbicides, parasites and acidic water .
There are also many other lesser known causes of toxicity levels in our bodies including home cleaning products, silver fillings (amalgam), vaccines and personal care products .
The human body is designed with an incredible defence system that keeps us healthy even under the most extreme circumstances . Natural Body detoxification is performed through the colon, lungs, skin, urinary tract, lymphatic system and the liver.
You may be wondering how you will know, or what symptoms will show up, to let you know that your body needs to be detoxified . There are a myriad of symptoms that are strong indicators that the body may need help. Some of these include unexplained fatigue, increased allergies, hypersensitivity to common materials, intolerance to certain foods, indigestion, aches and pains, low grade fever, headaches, insomnia, depression, sore throats, sudden weight loss or gain, lowered resistance to infection, frequent colds. A proper body detoxification program will remove harmful toxins. With the toxins gone, the symptoms go away .
These symptoms are indicative of toxic overload and when this occurs, we need to help the body detoxify through a variety of Natural Detoxification methods .
For full body detoxification:
A far infrared sauna is especially effective at full body detoxification . It is up to three times more effective than regular saunas. Infrared rays penetrate the body one and a half to three inches. This causes a deep heating effect in the muscle tissues and internal organs . The cellular metabolism is stimulated which breaks up the water molecules that hold the toxins and allows them to be released through the skin in perspiration . Through the perspiration process, acid and waste residue such as toxins, sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and the potentially carcinogenic heavy metals (especially zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, etc) are removed from the cells.
The medical profession acknowledges the success of infrared sauna technology and many doctors provide a sauna within their offices for patient use. Drink plenty of clean, filtered water (preferably alkaline water) while in the sauna. Sun Spirit Infrared Saunas are a safe and natural way to cleanse your body through natural body detoxification.
For the liver – eat foods that help the liver detoxify:

  • Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale
  • Green foods – green vegetables, sea vegetables and seaweed
  • Various supplements, green tea and milk thistle extract

For the Colon – eat fibre – 25-30 grams of fibre per day:

  • Apples, pears and citrus fruits
  • Carrots, beans, lentils, legumes and peas
  • Whole grains

For the Urinary Track – drink plenty of clean alkaline water:

  • Your body needs a minimum 2 quarts of water a day

For over all good health – eat organic foods whenever possible:

  • The thicker the peel on fruit and vegetables the less chance of pesticide penetration – bananas, grapefruits, pineapple and watermelons

For the Skin – have a good sweat:

  • If you are unable to have a good sweat for whatever reason or you are unable to exercise, give serious consideration to far infrared sauna therapy to remove body toxins through natural body detoxification.

The Sauna Shop | Q&A Far infrared saunas

SAUNA | FAR INFRARED SAUNA| SA SAUNA SALES 021 5567203 | DETOX SAUNA | HEALTH SAUNA |FREQUENTLY asked questions about Far infrared sauna call TODAY 0215567203

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Why sweat at all?

For thousands of years ancient cultures understood that the process of sweating offered an effective cleansing process for the body, many cultures have maintained a focus on sweat lodges and saunas as a primary method of encouraging sweating along with exercise (and hard physical labour!).

With modern lives all too often characterized by diets high in processed foods, sedentary lifestyles and exposure to environmental toxins, the arguments for enjoying a regular sweat have never been more compelling.

As the skin is the body’s largest organ and one designed to aid in cleansing and purifying, sweating plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body.

While many people have used saunas primarily for relaxation and stress reduction, additional health benefits are increasing the popularity of Infrared saunas for use both in the home and at the gym.

Q. How does a sauna reduce stress and fatigue?

High levels of stress put continuous strain in the autonomic nervous system and are considered to be one of the elusive causes of many chronic diseases. Heat therapy loosens the muscles and relieves muscular aches and pains. By facilitating the expansion of capillary vessels, thereby improving circulation, physical stress levels are reduced.
The infrared rays also clear away build up of lactic acid and carbon dioxide around the muscles, by removing the toxins muscle and joint stiffness disappears. Besides these physiological effects, a sauna session also contributes to stress reduction by stimulating the endorphins of the brain, and simply by providing a peaceful and relaxing environment away from it all.

Q.  Is the Sauna really effective for pain relief?

The deep penetrating heat of infrared energy has allowed health professionals and Sports Medicine practitioners to treat muscle and joint problems for many years.

Relief from arthritic joints and lower back pain is a common benefit for many people. Research has also shown infrared therapy to effectively manage all manner of muscular and skeletal aches and pains, and even improve posture.

One of the main reasons for this is its ability to dilate the capillaries in areas associated with pains, allowing oxygen-rich blood to bathe the area and carry away accumulated metabolic waste which contributes to the pain, soreness and stiffness, this also brings relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries resulting in improved recovery times.

Many people who have had trouble sleeping from pain and stress have found deep restful sleep through regular use.

Q. How do I burn calories and get a cardiovascular workout by sitting?

When our body heats up, the heart pumps blood faster around the body and to the extremities of the body. The best defence the body has to overheating is sweating because sweat evaporates from the skin taking the heat with it.

Our body expends energy to produce sweat – 1g of sweat requires 0.586 calories. A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off up to 1Kg or more in a single sauna session – the equivalent in sweat to run 10 -15kms.

So, by sitting in a sauna your body will start to sweat, raise the heart rate and dilate the capillaries and other parts of the cardiovascular system, offering many of the cardiovascular benefits of physical exercise. It is a great means of exercise for those who cannot physically exert themselves.

NASA concluded after lengthy trails in the 1980’s that infrared therapy is the best way for astronauts to maintain cardiovascular fitness on long cramped space flights.

Q. How will using the Sauna benefit my skin?
Infrared Heat penetrates deeply into the layers of skin. Perspiration removes the deep impurities, toxins and dead skin cells. Increased circulation draws your skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface. Together with Infrared heat’s cleansing effect, you will see a noticeable improvement in your skins texture, complexion, tone and elasticity.

Studies concluded that Infrared Heat has been beneficial in the healing of acne, eczema, rashes, psoriasis, burns, lesions and cuts – open wounds heal more quickly, reducing scarring.

Q. How does regular use of the Sauna reduce cellulite?
European beauty specialists regularly incorporate sessions in programmes to reduce cellulite. Because the radiant infrared heat penetrates three times as deeply as conventional saunas, it is significantly more effective at breaking down hard to move cellulite and promoting a more youthful, beautiful complexion.

What boosts your immune system?
Combat the effects of daily stress and wake up your immune system. Deep radiant infrared heat results in a rising of your body’s temperature, identical to the body’s defence mechanism against bacteria, microbes, and infection. The beneficial side effect of this induced temperature increase is immune system improvement resulting from increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by your bone marrow and killer T-cells by your thymus. Combined with the elimination of toxins and wastes from your body, your overall health and resistance to disease is noticeably improved so you feel and look better.

Q. Is the Far Infrared Sauna good for weight loss and burning calories?
There is the obvious weight loss that is associated with burning calories. As you relax in the gentle heat of the infrared sauna, your body is actually hard at work, producing sweat, pumping blood – and burning calories. In a single sauna session you may burn as many as 600 calories, similar to exercising for 30 minutes.

Detoxify and weight loss
Scientific studies have shown that a thirty minute session in an infrared sauna can result in the loss of toxins and stored fats at higher rates than with traditional saunas or exercise alone. Infrared heat penetrates deep enough into the tissues of the body to break down the chemical bonds binding these toxins and fats.

Q. How can the sauna benefit me with my exercise routine, before and after workouts?
Saunas can add a positive dimension to your fitness regime.

Using the sauna before exercise can bring benefits, as it helps increase blood circulation and acts as a warm up before activity reducing the chance of strains.

Lactic acid, a by-product of muscle metabolism that causes soreness and stiffness after exercise, is significantly reduced following infrared sauna therapy. It can also help accelerate repair to damaged tissues.

Q. Where do customers use them?

Infrared sauna cabins can be used pretty much anywhere there is a level floor and access to regular mains power. Since they are totally self contained there is no need for special wiring, plumbing etc. and with a wide range of sizes and shapes available they can often be found in bedrooms, family rooms, garages or even bathrooms.

Q. What about the pre-heating times?
Infrared saunas heat up in a few minutes so you can enjoy your sauna whenever you feel like it, traditional saunas can take up to 90 minutes to heat up properly, not only do you have to plan far ahead every time you wish to relax, this can prove to be very expensive.

Q. What if I only have a small/irregular space?

If you don’t think you have the space to fit a standard cabin, don’t despair – please call us to discuss a potential bespoke solution to suit what space you do have.

Q. What is needed for installation?

A dry level surface and access to a regular point are typically all that is required.

Q. Are they expensive to use?

No. As an Infrared sauna is typically ready to use in around 10 minutes and each session lasts around 30 minutes the running costs are similar to that of using a hairdryer.

Q. Are they expensive to maintain?

No. Routine maintenance consists of keeping surfaces clean.

Q. Can I use other therapies?

Yes. It is possible to choose from and enjoy a number of other therapies simultaneously in an Infrared sauna cabin including but not limited to; aromatherapy, ioniser, chromatherapy.

Q. Can I use one outdoors?

To be used outdoors the cabin should be provided with at least a canopy or roof to protect it from the elements. The external panels should also be treated to provide suitable protection from the weather. Ideally a building purposely designed for use outdoors should be considered as an Infrared sauna can be fitted into this – please call us to discuss details.

Q. What is infrared?

‘Infrared’ = below red. Infrared is the name given to a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths slightly longer than visible light. Infrared light is invisible to the human eye. The Infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum covers a very broad range of wavelengths from 0.7 to 1000 microns.


If this all sounds a bit technical it’s what causes the warm glow you feel on a sunny day, which comes directly from the sun’s rays. That is why you can feel a sharp drop when a cloud blocks these rays – even though the air temperature hasn’t changed.

Q. What is Far InfraRed (FIR)?

The Infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum is sub-divided into three main sections:-

a) Near Infrared (NIR) – wavelengths of 0.7~2 microns

b) Medium Infrared (MIR) – wavelengths of 2~4 microns

c) Far Infrared (FIR) – wavelengths of 4~1000 microns


Far-infrared radiant heat is a completely safe form of energy that heats objects by a process called direct light called infrared heat or infrared energy.

The sun is the primary source of radiant energy, but not all of this energy is beneficial. Although life needs energy from the sun, too much sunlight damages the skin. FIR heat provides many of the health benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation.

Q. Why use Infrared?

Infrared light has the ability to easily penetrate human tissue. This creates a natural resonance, which has many beneficial properties. The radiant heat of infrared gives off the same essential heat as the sun without any of the harmful effects of Ultra Violet (UV) rays. The Infrared heat penetrates the skin, providing you with that wonderful natural warmth. One of the most fascinating aspects of the infrared heat is that you can be exposed to infrared heat for hours and it will never cause your skin to burn. Infrared heat is completely safe and healthy for most individuals.

Q. Is infrared really safe?

Absolutely. Infrared light energy is beneficial and not damaging to the body. Infrared has been researched and used in medical practices for many years with Far Infrared heating used in hospitals to warm newborn infants. Sports medicine has long accepted and used infrared to promote healing of sprains and strains.  NASA has also concluded after lengthy trails in the 1980’s that infrared therapy is the best way for astronauts to maintain cardiovascular fitness on long cramped space flights.

Q. How does a Far Infrared sauna work?

Far infrared energy emitted as waves is used to heat the body directly, rather than warming the air first. In an infrared sauna, a heater produces this radiant energy, which is similar to the heat experienced from sunlight. Unlike sunlight, pure infrared energy is safe as it does not contain Ultraviolet or other harmful radiation.

When the infrared waves penetrates the body this is realised as heat energy, which proponents say can penetrate more than an inch and a half into the body to heal and stimulate tissues, making it an effective therapy for arthritis and tissue injuries.
The resulting heat causes body temperature to rise and you begin to sweat, thus achieving health benefits similar to those from a conventional steam sauna. In fact, some say that the more penetrating and intense heat of a far infrared sauna makes you sweat 2-3 times more, resulting in more comprehensive cleansing.

Q. What are the differences between traditional sauna and infrared?


In a traditional sauna the air in the cabin is heated to more than 70oC or even 80oC. Upon entering the cabin the body temperature rises due to contact with the very hot air and begins to perspire. In order to moderate the humidity levels, water is sprinkled over the heat source to vaporise as steam. Duration of exposure is typically limited to 5~10 minutes to prevent the core body temperature reaching dangerous levels. Having left the cabin and cooled to normal levels again the experience can be repeated, typically two or three times taking up to two hours.

With an infrared sauna the body is heated directly rather than via the air. This encourages the body to perspire profusely but at much lower ambient temperatures usually around 40oC~45oC. The heating effect is due to the Infrared waves being absorbed by the body producing a deeper heat sensation. As the process is more comfortable for the user the duration of a session may last from 30 minutes to an hour for seasoned users.

The amount of energy required to heat the air for a traditional sauna is quite significant (see comparison table) compared to the more efficient Far Infrared method and takes considerably longer to achieve. The power requirements may necessitate a separate electrical circuit to be installed specifically for this purpose. Traditional saunas will also require to be installed upon tiled or other moisture resistant flooring and should contain a vapour barrier membrane within the structure.

As a consequence of the lower operating temperatures and no need to introduce water/steam into the cabin along with low power requirements it means that Infrared cabins can be located almost anywhere.

Q. Which heater type is best?

All three main types of infrared heating element have distinguishing characteristics:-

Area  (typ.)
Response time

1~4 mins
1~2.7 micron

Flat ceramic
10~12 mins
2~14 micron

650 x 305mm
4~10 mins
4~14 microns

Rod types heat up the quickest but have the shortest wavelengths and highest operating temperature.

Carbon panels are relatively new technologies. They boast the thinnest structure, have the largest area and the lowest operating temperature. As the Infrared rays travel in straight lines this large surface area means that much of the Infrared output is ‘lost’ into the cabin.

Cast ceramic heaters represent an industry proven solution being robust, operate in the Far Infrared region, have long life expectancy and operate with 96% efficiency making them our heater technology of choice.

Q. Which Infrared frequency is best?

There is no simple answer to this question. Some suggests that 9.4 microns is the optimum wavelength because this is the resonant frequency of water. Such an argument has some merit as the human body is composed of more than two thirds water however; a) around one third of the body is not made of water , b) none of the heater types produces only one tuned frequency or wavelength.

In summary, there cannot be a ‘best frequency’. There can however be an optimum range which is generally accepted as being 8~13 microns.

Benefits of Infrared Saunas Vs Hot-Rock Saunas

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Benefits of Infrared Saunas Over Hot-Rock Saunas

Since infrared saunas heat the body directly rather than heating the air, many proponents of infrared saunas claim that the heat penetrates the body deeper than the heat of traditional saunas, which use steam. This penetration leads to more sweat, which leads to a greater detoxification experience. It also can promote tissue stimulation, which can aid with problems like arthritis pain and tissue damage.
From a practical standpoint, some brands of infrared saunas can be portable, easier to clean, and quicker to use than traditional saunas. Some benefits of infrared saunas:
• Whereas traditional saunas are installed in a permanent location, infrared saunas can be set up in less than an hour, and then broken down and moved elsewhere.
• Infrared saunas don’t mildew, since they don’t use steam like traditional saunas
• Some brands of traditional saunas heat up faster (in 15 or so minutes) than traditional saunas (which can take 45 minutes or more)
• Infrared saunas operate at a lower heat than traditional saunas, which can be safer for people with cardiovascular problems – and more comfortable
• Infrared saunas usually use less electricity to heat than traditional saunas, making them cheaper to operate

Lower Blood Pressure and Improved Circulation in a far infrared sauna

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Blood vessel dilation brings blood closer to the surface of the skin and, as blood vessels expand to accommodate increased blood flow, circulation in the extremities improves, and the blood pressure gets lower. The effect on the blood pressure is temporary, but medical research shows that frequent sauna bathing can make person’s blood pressure level also to stay lower.

The Sauna Shop and its affiliates do not provide medical advice, education or treatment. The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only and does not address individual circumstances or medical conditions. It may not be right for you and should not be relied upon in making decisions about your health. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.

17 reasons to buy from The Sauna Shop 021 5567203 Far infrared sauna’s

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Sauna sales, Fir Sauna, Far infrared sauna, Sauna kits, Sauna installation detox cabins call 021 5567203

1. Effortlessly remove stored toxins and detox your body to look and feel younger

Scientific analysis shows infrared heat induced sweat contains 5-6 times more toxins, fat and impurities than normal sweat. Relax in a sauna from The Sauna Shop and enjoy its unsurpassed ability to eliminate stored waste (metabolic wastes, environmental toxins, city pollution, fat, cholesterol, heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine – source: Zane R. Gard, MD & Erma J. Brown, BSN, PhN TLfDP, October 1992).

Heat Treatments Get Rid of Toxins
By Raymond Francis, M.Sc., reprinted from "Never Be Sick Again"
Benefits of Detox,

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., of Seattle

" … with the infrared therapy cabin we are talking about reversing disease, getting rid of underlying causes and therefore getting rid of the symptoms once and for all. We are talking about restoring the body to a level of chemicals it had maybe 20-50 years ago."

Detoxify or die, Sherry A Rogers M.D, Prestige publishing, 2002. ISBN 1 – 887202-04-8, p.227

2. Aid in weight loss

Our body expends energy to produce sweat (1g sweat requires 0.586 kcal) meaning your body can safely burn up to 800 calories in just one 30-minute session; with sweat loss equivalent to running 10-15km. While this weight can be regained through drinking water, the calories consumed will not. A sauna treatment can also help to raise your basal metabolic rate meaning you will burn calories at an elevated rate for hours after your session has finished. At 42 degrees Celsius, body fat becomes water soluble and can be eliminated through sweating.

3. Reduced signs of aging – Beautiful youthful skin

The Sauna Shop Far infrared sauna’s deep acting infrared heat helps to develop and maintain the body’s capillary network. This increases the blood circulation especially to your skin’s surface. Together with infrared heat’s super cleansing effect, you will see a noticeable improvement in your skin’s texture, complexion and tone. It can also remove skin roughness; soothe damage from scaring and even help UV damage leaving your skin feeling baby smooth and soft. Prepare to glow!

4. Cellulite treatment

Beauty specialists in Europe regularly incorporate daily The Sauna Shop Far infrared  sessions in programmes specifically designed to reduce cellulite. Because the radiant heat of the far infrared sauna warms three times as deeply as conventional saunas and aids in the break down and release of stored fat and toxins through the skin, it is significantly more effective at reducing cellulite and promoting smoother skin.

5. Exceptional natural pain relief

Owners WHO PURCHASED from The Sauna Shop mention  and again attest to its amazing ability to reduce and even remove completely the pain associated with various muscle and joint problems; from poor sitting positions and over work to more chronic ailments such as osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Meaning that safe, natural pain relief without medication, used by European medical professionals is now available in your own home!

6. A retreat to distress and relax

Stress and anxiety melt away in the soothing warmth and comfort of the The Sauna Shop sauna, your senses being further treated with sensual aromas, soothing colour therapy and soft music if desired. Infrared therapy has been shown to promote a rebalancing of the body’s hormones through its effect on the autonomic nervous system, reducing the negative physical impact of stress on the body. A The Sauna Shop sauna session thus helps to truly rebalance both the mind and body.

7. Increased blood circulation that exercises and strengthens the cardiovascular system

As your body is warmed in the The Sauna Shop sauna the entire cardiovascular system is dilated to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin and the extremities in order to dissipate heat. Meaning your heart works harder pumping blood at a greater rate to boost circulation, supplying the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while diastolic blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness. A German study showed reduced blood pressure in patients with hypertension for at least 24 hours after infrared therapy.

8. Improved cell function and increased ATP production

Scientific research suggests that infrared therapy helps the body’s cells to work at a more optimal level, including greater efficiency of absorbing nutrients and removing wastes and producing more ATP – the cells source of energy. Healthy cells help make a healthy body!

9. Boosts moods and helps lift depression – five therapies in one

Full spectrum sunlight alone has been shown to have dramatic effects on lifting the winter blues, with the radiant warmth of infrared heat, soothing colours, sounds and aromas of the The Sauna Shop sauna, however, the effect is further enhanced; each therapy working synergistically to effectively rebalance the body and lift moods. A The Sauna Shop sauna session can offer a respite from the coldest, wettest and darkest of winter nights when a tropical beach is still thousands of miles away!

10. Improves your immune system

The deep, radiant infrared heat raises your body temperature, inducing a type of artificial fever. As the body works to combat this "fever" your body’s immune system is stimulated and strengthened. Combined with the elimination of toxins and wastes produced by intense sweating your overall health and resistance to disease can be improved.

11. Unbeatable for Insomnia, jetlag and  hangovers

Whether you are still on a different time zone, working too late or have overindulged with late night socializing, the The Sauna Shop sauna can quickly help get you back on track. Either before bed to promote deep, restful sleep, or the morning after to help flush out the excesses of the night before the The Sauna Shop sauna helps you recover.

12. Promotes healing of sports injuries

Be it a sore back from golf, tired legs from cycling, or even damaged tendons and muscles from the rugby field the The Sauna Shop sauna offers highly effective promotion of the body’s natural healing processes as proven over many decades by the sports medical profession. Infrared sauna therapy is used by the US Olympic team and NASA.

13. Prevent injury through effective warm up

Before exercise, simply get in the therapy cabin with training gear on and wait until just before starting to sweat

" Tissues heated to 45°C and then stretched exhibit a non-elastic residual elongation of about 0.5-0.9% that persists after the stretch is removed, which does not occur in these same tissues at normal temperatures. Thus 20 stretching sessions can produce 10-18% increase in length of tissues so heated and stretched."

Justus F Lehmann M.D., Williams and Wilkins, Therapeutic Heat and Cold, 4th edition.

14. Create a home spa retreat in which to pamper yourself and enhance other beauty treatments

For many decades European beauty spas have used infrared heat to enhance the uptake of active ingredients and treatments for skin and beauty. Creating your own home spa with the The Sauna Shop sauna will allow you to take time out for yourself and further enhance any other treatments you may utilize.

15. Safe for any age group

Unlike a traditional sauna, the The Sauna Shop sauna is perfectly safe from childhood to advanced age. From hyperactive kids and stressed adults to the elderly the The Sauna Shop sauna represents a safe and effective treatment to promote enhanced wellbeing and quality of life.

16. Low comfortable temperature and effective in only 30 minutes

In just 30 minutes you will feel relaxed, rejuvenated, revitalized and rebalanced, having burned lots of calories in the pleasant heat of 32-60C. This low temperature ensures you will not feel uncomfortable and along with the full safety glass door prevents claustrophobia.

17. Maintenance free, cheap to run and portable

All the above benefits are gained with the added benefit of the The Sauna Shop sauna being so easy to use. A fifteen minute warm-up time, no moisture, drainage or ventilation concerns, a standard three pin plug and a session costing less than 30p makes this an ideal and affordable addition to any home, gym, hotel or spa.

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The Sauna Shop Offers the latest S Series Far infrared Models call 021 5567203

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Advantages of FIR Sauna’s
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***Additional Information***
All Areas: Cape Town | Johannesburg | Durban (Delivered countrywide)

sauna 40 Fascinating Facts About Far Infrared Saunas

We will show you 40 fascinating facts from the Sauna Shop call for more information on this article 021 556 7203. Buy a Far infrared from SA Leading Sauna Supplier see website

Although more and more people are learning firsthand about the fabulous benefits of owning a far infrared sauna or heat therapy room, many others still possess very little knowledge of this important subject. The following information has been compiled to help spread the good news with the hope of placing more people on the path to greater health, relaxation and happiness.

1. Using a far infrared sauna can help strengthen the body’s immune system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.

2. Far infrared rays improve blood circulation, stimulate endorphins, lower lactic acid, kill certain bacteria and parasites, and burn calories. Proponents of hyperthermia, also known as fever therapy, maintain that using far infrared energy to therapeutically induce higher body temperatures helps fight infections and even cancer. Their argument is supported by the human body itself, which radiates infrared energy for the benefits of warmth and tissue repair.

3. A good example of far infrared heat is the light produced by the sun.This is the heat you feel penetrate your skin when you stand in the sun and miss when you walk into the shade. It has nothing to do with ultraviolet light, which can damage your skin. When people do not receive adequate amounts of far infrared heat, they often can become ill or

4. Studies indicate that benefits of far infrared sauna use include:muscle relaxation; stress, tension and headache relief; reduction and removal of body toxins; increased cardiovascular strength; increased blood circulation; strengthened immune system; improved lung function, and refreshed, Moisturized skin

5. Far infrared saunas are recognized by health practitioners worldwide as perhaps the most effective method of removing both chemical and heavy metal toxins from the body. Far infrared saunas are thought to be 7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and other environmental toxins than conventional heat or steam saunas. For many chronically ill patients as well as people who are well and wish to stay that way by reducing their toxic burden, the far infrared sauna is the detox method of choice.

6. Bathing in a far infrared sauna in the early stages of a cold or flu has been known to stop the disease before symptoms occur.

7. Far infrared heat can penetrate into the skin about an inch and a half to two inches deep and can have therapeutic benefits, such as helping to dissolve fat deposits under the skin. Since toxins may be stored in the fat, the deep penetrating heat of a far infrared sauna can help eliminate them, especially toxins such as heavy metals and acidic compounds.

8. The radiant heat of a far infrared sauna is efficient because it warms the sauna bather directly. The body absorbs as much as 93 percent of the heat, causing perspiration and producing a vast array of health benefits.9. Far infrared saunas can help clear cellulite, the gel-like lumps of fat, water and debris trapped in pockets beneath the skin. European beauty specialists routinely incorporate daily far infrared sauna baths in programs to reduce cellulite.

10. Generally speaking, far infrared saunas are less expensive, easier to install, and require less maintenance than traditional saunas. They come in many sizes and are often quite portable, making them a great choice when limited space is available.

11. Far infrared radiant heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation.

12. Far infrared saunas are more cleansing than conventional saunas because they are designed to generate more than two to three times the amount of perspiration. A higher volume of sweat means a more thorough flushing of toxins from the body.

13. Unlike in traditional saunas where temperatures range from 140 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit (60 to 105 degrees Celsius), the temperatures of far infrared saunas typically range from 100 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (38 to 60 degrees Celsius).

14. The temperature inside a far infrared sauna is adjustable and comfortable. This allows a person to perspire faster and to tolerate a longer period of time inside the sauna. Typical sessions in a far infrared sauna last 20 to 30 minutes and can be repeated to maximize the benefits.

15. The lower heat range of far infrared saunas is safer for people with cardiovascular risk factors or fragile health because lower temperatures don’t dramatically elevate heart rate and blood pressure.

16. Far infrared saunas have been used to treat sprains, bursitis, rheumatism, muscle spasms, neuralgia and hemorrhoids. They have also been shown to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis and burns.

17. The effects of toxin, chemical and pesticide poisoning can be greatly reduced by the far infrared sauna’s detoxification action. People who work with chemicals, as well as home gardeners who frequently use fertilizers and pesticides, are advised to use far infrared saunas on a regular basis.

18. Far infrared radiant heat is a form of naturally occurring energy that heats objects by direct light conversion. Direct light conversion warms only the object and does not raise the temperature of the surrounding free air.

19. A far infrared sauna will deliver hyperthermic benefits in a much shorter time period (i.e.10 to 15 minutes) than a conventional sauna (30 to 45 minutes).

20. Far infrared sauna use can help promote rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts, the connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury. It also can help increase growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis, all of which is necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.

21. In the electromagnetic spectrum, far infrared wavelengths measure between 5.6 and 1,000 microns. One micron equals one micrometer or one millionth of a meter. Wavelengths of between 6 and 14 microns are believed to be the most beneficial to humans and other living things on Earth. The human palm emits far infrared wavelengths of between 8 and 12 microns. The energy output from far infrared saunas so closely match the human body’s radiant energy that nearly 93 percent of the sauna’s far
infrared waves reach the skin.

22. Far infrared sauna therapy has helped people with cardiovascular conditions such as congestive heart failure and angina. It enhances endothelial nitric oxide, lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular function.

23. The radiant heat of far infrared saunas has been shown to be especially beneficial to people with sports injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other chronic pain conditions.

24. In a study performed by U.S. researchers, the sweat of people using a conventional sauna was found to be 95 to 97 percent water, while the sweat of those using a far infrared sauna was 80 to 85 percent water with the non-water portion principally cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, and uric acid.

25. There are some definite advantages to using far infrared sauna thermal heaters, such as no high heat claustrophobic reaction and better air circulation. Far infrared heaters heat the body, not the air, so a bather is more comfortable and cooler. Far infrared saunas require 90 percent less electrical energy than conventional saunas, and no plumbing is required for a far infrared sauna.

26. Far infrared sauna use can be of significant benefit to people trying to lose weight. A 20 to 30-minute session in a far infrared sauna has been touted to burn as many calories as a six-mile run.

27. Far infrared saunas are now used in health facilities for a range of health problems such as menopause, ulcers, insomnia, asthma, bronchitis, ear infections, and allergies.

28. Far infrared saunas offer the same benefits as traditional dry saunas, if not more. Plus, far infrared saunas don’t rely on any type of water. You don’t have to worry about setting the sauna up on a waterproof floor or near plumbing, and you don’t have to worry about mildew.

29. Unlike a traditional sauna, which requires a closed atmosphere to maintain heat levels required for therapeutic results, a far infrared sauna can be used with its door or window completely open if far infrared penetration is the only objective.

30. Far infrared saunas benefit all your organs of elimination, from your lungs to your liver to your kidneys to your skin.

31. Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths that range from red light to violet. Near infrared light is closest in wavelength to visible light, and far infrared light is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Far infrared waves are thermal, meaning they are felt as heat.

32. A far infrared sauna is usually warm within 10 or 15 minutes, whereas a conventional sauna can take more than an hour to reach optimal temperatures.

33. Most far infrared saunas use ceramic elements to generate gentle heat. Another option, although quite costly, is to use far infrared bulbs, which can provide warming and stimulating color therapy.

34. In addition to hemlock, wood choices for far infrared sauna construction include basswood, birch, oak, poplar, spruce and western red cedar. When a wood type is stated to be hypoallergenic, it means that the wood contains minimal allergens and is therefore less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Typical wood allergies, however, are caused by

35. Respected retailers of far infrared saunas or heat therapy rooms include SAUNATECH

36. When far infrared heat penetrates a bather’s body, he or she can experience a refreshed mind, relaxed mood, reduction of aches and pains, improved metabolism, and systemic regularity leading to an overall feeling of wellness.

37. Hemlock is a softwood ideally suited for use in far infrared saunas. Hemlock is a very strong wood that is quite able to withstand the heat of a far infrared sauna. It is also abundantly available, which means the end cost to the consumer is less than it might be for another wood type.

38. Far infrared radiation is believed to be the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation.

39. Certain alternative healing practices such as palm healing, a practice with some 3,000 years of tradition behind it in China, rely on the human body’s ability to emit far infrared radiant energy.

40. NASA has utilized far infrared therapy to help maintain fitness levels of astronauts in weightless environments.

Far Infrared Saunas: Healing Power Unlike Any Other

Buy Far infrared saunas direct from the South African importer. Save Thousands buy direct call 021 5567203. For the most part, the general public’s knowledge with Far Infrared was limited to the use of infrared heat lamps which generates radiant heat. By the mid 1960’s, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ascertained that a quantity of mineral oxides were capable of producing FIR waves. Following the use of different types of FIR products in the space program, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration made no further advancements using this technology. To the distinct advantage of everyone else, the Japanese forged ahead and developed over 150 products that required patents involving Far Infrared technology. Some of these include: FIR ovens that would replace microwaves, FIR panels for incubators in maternity wards, FIR wave-generating ceramics, and of course, Far Infrared saunas. In the course of the last 25 years, both Chinese and Japanese researchers and clinicians have performed widespread research on infrared treatments and have testified to abundant benefits.
Dr. Tsu-Tsair Oliver Chi adds to the understanding of the healing power of Far Infrared with his discussion of Resonant Absorption:

“These rays are selectively absorbed by the tissues. The internal production of infrared energy that normally occurs within our tissues is associated with a variety of healing responses and may require a boost to a maximal level to insure the fullest healing response possible in a tissue under repair. After boosting a tissue’s level to maximum, the remaining rays pass onward harmlessly. This phenomenon is called Resonant Absorption.”

The reason Infrared saunas are so unique is that they use radiant energy to directly penetrate the body’s tissues to a depth of over 1.5”. Its energy output can be tuned to correspond so closely to the body’s own radiant energy so that our bodies absorb close to 93% of the infrared waves that reach our skin. Less than 20% of the infrared energy heats the air, leaving over 80% available to be directly converted to heat within our bodies. Therefore, a Far Infrared based system can warm its user(s) to a much greater depth and much more effectively than a conventional sauna.
This important difference explains many of the unparalleled benefits reported to be available through an Infrared Thermal System that are not achievable through the use of a standard sauna. Far Infrared saunas produce up to 2-3 times the sweat volume of a hot-air sauna while working at a considerably cooler air temperature range of 110 degrees to 130 degrees versus 180 degrees to 235 degrees for hot-air saunas. The lower heat scale is ideal for those apprehensive about cardiovascular risk factors that might be adversely affected by the higher temperature encountered in traditional hot-air saunas.

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