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Owning and consistently using a FAR infrared sauna, from THE SAUNA SHOP has more benefits then you probably realize. Most of us know they like the feeling of being relaxed after a tough day at the office, there’s more going on to your body then just relaxation as you use a far infrared sauna then just relaxation. This article is going to discuss four of those unique Sauna Health Benefits.

Increased protection from getting sick

When you spend time in a sauna our internal temperature increases this more or less simulates a fever. When our body runs a fever it produces more white blood cells. Why? Because our body thinks it is getting ready to fight off a sickness. While it’s true that you aren’t sick, these white blood cells stay with you making it easier to fight off illnesses.

Internal Healing Benefits

The benefit of infrared sauna to our insides is difficult to directly see, but it’s happening. Rays from the sauna heater don’t just warm the air around you and your skin. They also penetrate to deeper tissue helping to heal damaged tissues under the skin, and also relieve aches and pains. Often arthritis patients use a far Infrared sauna to reduce their suffering.

Detoxification of your Body

When ever we sweat we’re expelling our bodies that would other wise not be released. What are thee toxins? They are materials from our environment such as metals and chemicals that build up in our skin and blood. Getting rid of these toxins by sweating is healthy and should be done often.

The largest Sauna Benefit

This is the most obvious benefit but the benefit that brings the most change in all areas of our life is the relaxation we get when using a far infrared sauna. The reduction in stress levels helps with both our physical and mental wellness. This allows us to improve our relationships with others, and helps us manage the rest of our life more effectively.

Loose Calories in FAR INFRARED SAUNA | weight loss CALL 021 5567203

Burn Calories in a 30 Minute Sauna Session call 0215567203

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“Saunas are an important aid to weight loss and thyroid repair because as you lose weight, fat tissue releases stored toxins such as PCBs and pesticides.”

-Dr. Mark Hyman, author of NY Times best selling book “Ultra metabolism” and Sunlight Saunas customer.

Studies have shown a 30 minute far infrared sauna session can burn up to 200-600 calories
. As the body works to cool itself while using a far infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Blood flow during whole body hyperthermia is reported to rise from a normal 5-7 quarts per minute to as much as 13 quarts per minute. Journal of the American Medical Association, August 1981

The Sauna Shop Sauna’s far infrared heat therapy raises core body temperature causing passive cardiovascular conditioning. Your body’s natural response to far infrared heat therapy is to increase circulation and sweat. Check out the results with a heart rate monitor and you will be amazed!

Sauna health benefits | Far infrared health benefits order 021 5567203

The benefits to a healthy Life style.

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Detoxification: Toxins such as sodium, alcohol, nicotine, carcinogenic heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel) and mercury accumulate in the body during modern daily life. Infrared heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands to cleanse and detoxify your skin.

Reduce Stress: Infrared heat therapy loosens muscles and relaxes the body. Many massage therapists use infrared heat prior to massage to provide a much more thorough and effective treatment.

Skin Benefits: Infrared heat increases blood circulation, expels dirt chemicals and removes dead cells from surface of skin. All of these benefits lead to a softer and firmer complexion. Can be used to reduce wrinkles associated with aging.

Exercise Exchange: A 20-30 minute FIR sauna session burns up to 500 calories, similar to a 5km run. Infrared saunas are perfect for those who do not have time for regular exercise or suffer from personal injuries that inhibit rigorous activity.

Pain Relief: FAR Infrared heat relieves pain by expanding blood vessels and increasing circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach the injured areas of the body and helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Many people use FIR heat as a successful treatment for arthritis, muscle spasms and rheumatism.

Improve Immune System: During a fever, the body heats up to eliminate viruses and attack foreign agents. Subsequently, the body wards off invading organisms much more easily because the immune system is activated consistently by the "artificial fever." Recent studies also show that colds and flu-like illnesses are reduced dramatically if treated in the early stages with FIR heat therapy.

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FAR INFRARED SAUNA video demonstration 021 5567203

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[Far infrared video demonstration]99TX7Sa7V8w[/Far infrared video demonstration]

Detox or Die using FAR infrared Sauna | Sauna detoxification

call: 0215567203

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By using a far infrared sauna you detoxify from the muscles out. Far infrared actually penetrates your skin up to 4 cm deep.

Detox or Die

Toxins in Food, Drink and Even Breast Milk
Dr. Rodgers tells us that even breast-fed babies are taking in plasticisers and dioxin. Babies that aren’t breast-fed take in even more of these toxins, including those linked to plastics used to prepare bottles and their food.

Food Wraps
Plasticisers are used all over the world to wrap food and hold drinks. Dioxin is a pesticide and is also known as Agent Orange and was used for deforestation during the Vietnam war.

What about your cup of coffee in a styrene cup? You drink some styrene with every cup of coffee.

Industrial waste spews from factory stacks all around the world adding heavy metals to the foods we eat.

Dr Rogers Shows Step By Step The Best Way To Use An Infrared Sauna To Remove Toxins From Your Body

One of our clients says,

“For over 6 months my sciatica was so bad that I could only get some sleep at night if I put pillows under my legs to support them. After just a few weeks with the far infrared sauna I don’t need to support my legs anymore, and I now sleep wonderfully.”
Carol Cooke, from Rayleigh, Essex

Air-Borne Toxins Get Into Your Bloodstream Too
Anything you smell in the air gets into your bloodstream through your lungs. So think of that new car’s smell, or the new suite’s fire-retardant smell, or the carpets. Those gas molecules get into your body.

But your body can’t drive out all these man-made toxins. You just can’t do it by yourself

General Rules for Far Infrared Saunas Call 0215567203

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Start using the Sauna at 37 degrees Celsius in short 10 -20 minutes increments at first, building up a feel for your body’s tolerance. Use less heat if you feel discomfort initially. Older, sicker, or folks who feel initial discomfort should proceed at a much slower pace and even lower temperatures. The Far infrared sauna wave length penetrates up to 4 cm deep into the body , generally enabling chemicals to come out directly out of the subcutaneous fat storage sites into sweat. This avoids a worsening of symptoms seen when high heat Saunas( i.e. conventional) pull chemicals out of safe storage, then directly into the bloodstream on their way to the sweat.

For once the chemicals are in the blood stream, you can duplicate some of your worst old symptoms.

if you suspect you have had severe poisonings that may create serious withdrawal symptoms as you mobilize chemicals, go at a slower pace.

For example, if you used to used cocaine or heroin and did crazy things while on it, you may want someone in attendance with you as you go through mobilization and dumping of these unpredictable drug residues.

it is a good idea to get a complete physical from your doctor when you discuss your sauna plans.


Call: 0215567203

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In a Far infrared sauna you sweat up to three times more than your conventional sauna. See testimonials

Reflex Sympathetic Discharge (RSD) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Reversed Quickly

Dr. Wilson,

In case you don’t remember me I am the person who sent you an e-mail on January 4th regarding RSD. In September I broke my wrist and that followed with two surgeries, as a result I acquired RSD.

I read your article on line regarding the nervous system and was quite impressed so I sent you an e-mail asking advice. I believe at the time I told you that I was in so much pain and so depressed that I was at a loss for what to do.

Almost immediately I received an e-mail from you suggesting the red infrared lamp therapy. I am telling you that you were my angel that day! I followed you suggestion and today I am feeling as good if not better than before the accident.

In the beginning I used the lamp around 4 or 5 times a day for 7 or 8 minutes but as I began to get relief I cut down on the times per day but not the minutes. I think it took about a week before I really realized it was beginning to work.


Sue M.

Chronic Sinus Infection Reversed

Received 4/10/07

Dear Dr. Wilson,

I have suffered from inflamed sinuses for about 40 years. They inhibit my ability to breathe. Also, the sinuses drip day and night and this condition nearly killed my sense of smell. My face was also permanently swollen in the area of the sinuses.

I built an infrared lamp sauna three months ago and have been using it once daily for about 35 minutes ever since.

My body seems to be changing since I have started using the sauna, and I have had several instances where I see auras or halos in my eyes, after a session has ended, triggered by bright light.

I had a major healing crisis that lasted for about 48 hours about one month ago. My sinuses, cheeks, face and gums swelled up and drained profusely. When the crisis cleared, I was able to breath and smell things “normally” for the first time in memory!

I had a slight reversal about ten days later, but I am still better than before I started using the sauna. My face is no longer swollen and the sinuses do not drip any more at night. My sense of smell is only partially there. You have recommended longer sauna sessions of 45 minutes, and/or having two sauna sessions daily. I will let you know how this affects the sinuses.

Dave S., Galveston Island, Texas


Thank you for the time spent on the phone with me. Because of you and sauna therapy, my wife Joyce, who had been having severe joint pain, is much more comfortable.

Before using lamp sauna as a treatment her joint pain was crippling, especially at night and this also affected her sleep. We tried doctors but nothing helped.

It has been 2 months and with consistent sauna sessions and correct diet I see her condition only getting better. She still gets pains but not as frequent and not as severe.

Vince P., Long Island N.Y.

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) reversed in an 82-year-old.

Received March 9, 2007

I am 82 years old and until recently had COPD to where my oxygen reading on the finger was 84, my lungs were very raspy and I would wheeze when walking. I had been on oxygen for three years with no apparent benefit from the oxygen. I used a CPAP with oxygen at night and a nebulizer four times a day. There was no benefit that could I see.

A year ago I bought an infrared lamp sauna from Dr. Wilson. I used it for a time last summer without its cover to condense the heat. It provided some help.

Then two and a half months ago I covered the frame and started using the sauna three times a day. I heat the sauna to 120 degrees and I stay inside for 30 to 45 minutes.

After a week of doing this, I began to sweat, first on my back and then the head, neck, underarms, and now my upper torso also sweats a lot. I drink 3 quarts of water daily with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt per day (table salt will kill you).

I went to the doctor today. My lungs were normal with no wheezing. The oximiter on the finger read 96, although I had been off oxygen for 6 hours.

I still use need the CPAP and oxygen at night, and use a nebulizer several times a day. I am continuing to use the sauna and there is no question this sauna has decreased my COPD a lot.


Received June 14, 2007

My father started his 15 minute sauna on June 1, 2007, only two months ago. He has dropped 21 pounds of edema since then, (yes very short) and along with his Rife therapy, he is feeling amazing.

Thanks again, he is 87.

Chronic Fatigue Reversed

July 6, 2007

I have been doing the sauna therapy protocol daily for 12 weeks now (6 weeks with the near infrared lamps installed), and have seen amazing results in such a short period of time. I am 42 years old, and developed chronic fatigue syndrome almost 30 years ago after several illnesses in my childhood and adolescent years.

For decades now, I have been suffering with it. I’ve tried every alternative, nutritional, medical and lifestyle approach I could find, and generally got it to a manageable level, but it always was an ever present factor in my life that worsened over time.

Prior to the sauna therapy, a good month for me typically had five good days and twenty-five bad days. Now, I’m thrilled to report it’s just the opposite. A typical month for me now has five bad days and twenty-five good days!!! I finally see a future without chronic fatigue, and plan to make the sauna protocol part of my health routine for life. Thank you!

T.S. Aptos, California


sauna detoxification Detoxify in a far infrared sauna

Call: 0215567203
Detox or die. expel those toxins today. everybody wants to know where to get these far infrared saunas.Symptoms of this kind of toxicity include:

Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headache, brain fog, anxiety, cold hands and feet, and a host to other conditions. Far Infrared Saunas provides countless benefits here are just a few:

  • Produces incredible health benefits
  • Detoxifies chemical and heavy metal toxins
  • Stimulates immune system, weight loss and pain relief
  • 2 to 3 times more effective then traditional saunas
  • Easy-to assemble, portable, affordable
  • Installs inside and outside your home or medical office
  • 6 piece set up in 30 minute or less- no special plumbing necessary
  • Available in poplar wood for patients with allergies and chemical sensitivities
  • Inexpensive to operate- electrical usage is between R50-R80 per month

There have been many articles written about far-infrared technology and how it rids the body from all sorts of terrible toxins. Dr. Lawrence Wilson is just one of the many doctor that do extensive research on far infrared saunas and their health benefits. Below is one of his many articles on how this FIR sauna should be used to get the full extent of its benefits.

By Lawrence Wilson, MD

It’s inevitable these days to stay away from toxins

  • Superior Detoxification: Removes Heavy Metals & Fat-stored Toxins
  • Increased Cardiovascular Conditioning
  • Stimulated Immune System
  • Improved Circulation
  • Pain Relief
  • Weight Loss and Cellulite Reduction
  • Beautiful Skin
  • Stress Reduction

Recommended by thousands of doctors nationwide, the Far infrared sauna is a critical step in restoring good health to those who suffer from and hundreds of other symptoms that indicate heavy metal (including mercury) or allergies, acne, brain fog, fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, mood swings, frequent colds and flu chemical toxicity.

Far infrared sauna benefits Order Now 021 5567203 sauna health benefits

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Sauna Benefits

Heating of the tissues enhances metabolic processes call now for more information on 021 557 9162. Greater cellular energy production facilitates healing. Viruses, tumours and toxin-laden cells are weaker than normal cells. They tolerate heat poorly. Raising the body temperature causes infections to heal more quickly. Hyperthermia or fever therapy helps combat infections and even cancer. Our bodies develop fever when ill to enhance metabolism and help kill germs.

Infrared Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues. They open the nasal passages and assist the sinuses to drain. A major eliminative organ, most people’s skin is very inactive. Many do not sweat. This may be due to synthetic or tight clothing that does not breathe. Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. Hundreds of chemicals affect the skin from lotions, soaps, creams and deodorants. Others are cleaning solvents, detergent residues and chemicals from bathing water.

Repeated use of the far infrared sauna slowly restores skin elimination. Toxic chemicals and metals can be removed faster than with any other method. It is a daily habit that pays many dividends. Steam baths, sweat lodges, vigorous exercise and hot tubs are more extreme and less effective.

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